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An open letter to the code geeks who keep hatin'

A note about this rant: I started it many months ago, and it felt like there was a reason for it at the time. Now I'm not really sure if it's warranted as I haven't seen anything particularly noxious, nor encountered any flagrant behavior from any code geeks. That said, maybe others out there are continuing to encounter some hatin' code geeks, so I figured I'd post this anyway. After all, the part about geek ascendance is definitely still true, although currently I'm unsure of what the implications are.

/start rant

Hey there code geeks.

I've noticed a trend recently wherein many of the folks who are facile with the programming are making some dismissive remarks about those who aren't.

I understand that this attitude is in part warranted.

There is a whole lot of frontin' goin' on, and exerting your wit is one way to assert the difference between yourselves and the wanna be code geeks. 

. . . however . . .

I wanted to point out that at the end of the day, a lot of the people who you're hatin' on are in fact your fellow geeks.

They may not code, but they probably do some other geeky activity you value. You know, things like making dope digital art, writing awesome blogs, knitting hats with ears, all that stuff.

The bottom line here is that many of the non-technical trappings of programmer culture have made there way into a broader cultural geek context. This means that you geeks, who have never been the alpha dogs in the past, are now on the top of the pile. This also means you have the choice to exercise your power with kindness and good judgment, or bully people.

Acknowledging the privilege that comes with your power and being magnanimous is freakin' hard. I recognize that. I also recognize that there are a lot of geeks out there who aren't hatin', and I would like to give mad props to all those geeks.

There are even some incredibly patient individuals amongst you who go out of their way to work with the frontin' geeks, who so desperately want to be cool, but just don't have the first clue. 

I also recognize that most of the younger non-code geeks out there (who aren't already working 40 to 60 hours a week) don't have much excuse for not learning to code. But still, that's no excuse for hatin'.

/end rant

Reader Comments (1)

Dude you should turn your spam filters on lol

August 3, 2011 | Unregistered Commenteranonymous

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